
Shop 2, Fourways Value Mart, Forest Drive, Pineslopes, Sandton, Gauteng

Gas & Biofuel Suspended Units Range

Cleanburn Bio Fuel Burner

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Ecofire Drop in Bio Fires is an undeni-able example of premium South Afri-can Design and has forever changed the way of thinking when it comes to heating. Without the need for a chim-ney, flue or bearing wall, application possibilities for Ecofire’s bioethanol fireplaces are countless. A wide variety of layouts, features and finishes offers creative freedom when adding a warm and stunning focal point to traditional or modern living space.

• Made-to-measure fire solution.
• Various Layouts.
• Manual or automatic burner.
• Linear fire of any length.
• Numerous finishes.

Ready to bring your vision to life or just want to ask a professional. Call Us.