
Shop 2, Fourways Value Mart, Forest Drive, Pineslopes, Sandton, Gauteng


Warmth, food and comfort - that's our speciality!

When it comes to fires for warmth, food and comfort, we know just what you need. We know how a good fire brings people together to share, communicate and take a minute to enjoy life. How can we help you get the most out of your downtime?


Ecofires guide to installing a fireplace

Do you know why some people might choose a closed combustion fireplace over an open fire fireplace? Or why it’s pretty important to ask a professional to help with installing your fireplace once you’ve found your perfect fireplace match?


Heat Requirements Guide

Fireplaces are built and specified to heat a certain space. When sizing up a fireplace it’s important to take into account the insulation factor of the installed environment.


Servicing Your Fireplace

Maintain Your Gas Fireplace with the Fireplace Service Checklist. Gas fireplaces are easy and convenient. So much so, that it’s easy to forget that even a gas fireplace needs upkeep every once in a while.


Brands we carry

Did you know Ecofire manufacture a range of fire products? We also carry a large selection from the top brands. Visit our showroom to see them all.


Financing your renovation

Refinancing your home loan is a cost-effective way to finance a home renovation and increase the market value of your home. Here are two options to consider.


Architects & Designers

Whether it’s for functional or aesthetic purposes, a fireplace is essential. And with today’s innovations and technologies, it’s possible to include a fireplace in virtually any room in your residential or commercial project.

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